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The Oaths

The Oaths

Electro pop y sintetizadores provenientes de Guadalajara, México. The Oaths se creó en 2009, y está conformada por tres músicos que antes han experimentado diferentes terrenos de la música y que juntos traen de regreso la electrónica noventera. Poncho (percusiones), Andrés, ex vocalista de Antoine Reverb (voz y rhodes) y Arturo (programación, teclados y bajo), son los tres tapatíos a cargo del proyecto que está enfocado a las presentaciones en vivo.

Los beats tienen influencias de la escena electro australiana y francesa como Boyz Noise, The Presets y Cut Copy. Los sintetizadores no son los únicos elementos de su música, The Oaths incluye flautas y sonidos que se pegan y sobresalen.

Su nuevo LP, Fractal, fue lanzado por Arts & Crafts México en 2014.

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The Oaths

The Oaths

Electro pop and synths from Guadalajara, México. The Oaths was created in 2009, and is made up of three musicians who have previously experienced different music fields and who together bring back the novelty electronics. Poncho (percussion), Andrés, former Antoine Reverb’s vocalist (voice and rhodes) and Arturo (programming, keyboards and bass), are in charge of the project that is focused on live presentations.

The beats have influences from the electro-Australian and French scene like Boyz Noise, The Presets and Cut Copy. Synthesizers are not the only elements of their music, The Oaths includes flutes and sounds that stick and stick out. Their LP, Fractal, was launched by Arts & Crafts Mexico in 2014.

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